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lessons of lions 

What should one learn to endure and thrive against adversity, illness, threats, or any unfavorable economic conditions? Outside of the classroom and later on in life, what subjects, principles, and practices will maximize a young life's probability to succeed?




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Many people go through life living an unhealthy, unhappy, stagnant, or unfulfilling lifestyle. However, the Successful Few (5%) of each generation figure out how to have those things by applying the lessons of great achievers (lions). The Mediocre Many (95%) of each generation fail to figure out, find, or apply the lessons that are critical to their personal or professional development.

In Lessons of Lions: 31 Exclusive Lessons They Don't Teach You In School by Darnell McCullough and Emeka Nwgou, Ph.D, we discuss the most important, impactful, and transformative lessons that are not typically taught in schools. The critical lessons in this book will advance the quality of thinking to improve readers' standard of living.

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In Lessons of Lions: 31 Exclusive Lessons They Don't Teach You In School by Darnell McCullough and Emeka Nwgou, Ph.D, we discuss the most important, impactful, and transformative lessons that are not typically taught in schools. The critical lessons in this book will advance the quality of thinking to improve readers' standard of living.


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